Hi again. Got my craft on this morning. I repurposed a couple of frames and a pillow for my favorite Green Door thrift shop to sell. So I put the words "fish wife" on a grafic for the pillow, because I think "Oh, how cute." I love to eat at that restaurant down in Monterey. But then I looked up the meaning! It means winer. I think that is so funny. The whole purpose for putting the fish on the pillow was so so
me fisherman guy would buy it for his wife! I still like it, though. Also, it was my birthday.
Here I am with my little one just abou to eat cake. We also took a trip to Apple Hill. This is the Larson's Farmhouse and water wheel. I don't think I ever got out of my jammies this morning. That's what I call a craftin mojo morning. bbfn