Oh, how I've missed my blog, blogging friends, and blog searching and scanning and dreaming. Sorry. My life now consists of searching the MLS and trying to find cool new digs for my family. Yes, we are moving from our lush house. My HH is returning to his post at his former office. This move will improve our finacial standing. But before we leave, take a look at this cherry. Yes, five
I see that my pics are going to be a scattered mess. Carry on, then. My son had his

We had a surprise visit from Grandpa all the way from So. California. We didn't tell R that Grandpa was coming. We picked Grandpa up at the airport and R was Shocked to say the least.

He could not comprehend his Grandpa being at the airport. Here they are when they first see eachother. They have a magical connection. One of the reasons we are moving.

We had T-ball season, and finished T-ball season.
And, somehow, I read two books: Pride and Prejudice and my new favorite: the Last American Man..written by Elizabeth Gilbert of Eat, Love, Pray fame. Eustace Conway is now one of my American Heros for staying true. I watched some of his interviews on youtube. His accent and demeanor are slow, calculating and he is funny. We are going to try to go to his Turtle Island family camp next year. Go check it out. I realize primitive culture and living is not for everyone, not even me all the time. But the read was great. 
I love you, Eustace.

I also put my garden in. When it gets bigger I'll give you a peek. Hopefully all of my heirloom seed growing madness will pay off. Oh, there was also the fashion show I modeled in with Daisy and Shannon. All in good fun and for the womens' retreat this year. You know how stressful moving is? I have moved six times since 2000. I will try to keep up some postings, pics, and blurbs. Hope you are enjoying the start of summer. xo Juls