But for now, here is a trove o
I started obsessing about stuff to sell at Blooming Deals. I started noticing cupcakes are everywhere. I searched the Web and came upon these made by mommy24cs on Etsy. Wellllll, then I really started obsessing and jonesing about making one, and I did. I love it. I wanted to make a whole beautiful tray full of the darling things. But I stopped at one. Here is why: I made a bunch of spoons and vintage cones for the store recently. When I went by last week, the owner handed them back to me in a box to take back home. I was confused because she said to bring her handmade stuff. Now, this is the first rejection of my art that I have experienced first hand. I took a couple of days to recover myself.
You know what? So what? So she doesn't like the mixed media art. We are talking about a very small town shop. I felt safe there. It is a place to get my feet wet. So, do I do the cupcakes? I think I will,
Next, acottageindustry will be at the Sacramento Antique Faire this Sunday. I must go, simply must. It is on Sunday - Saturday is Sabbath for me. I try desparately not to shop or work on Sabbath. It is not easy...So can you believe how excited I am to go to this thing? I cross my fingers my little one doesn't get sick or anything else comes up. Take good care, and thanks for stopping by, xo Juls
Hi sweetie!
Thanks for droppin' by the artful yaya! And glad you have decided to join me...lucky you being #1!!!! I just posted this blog a few hours ago....so, should be a lot of fun.
Love your blog...very creative and fun!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! You found some really nice things! The pillow is so pretty - I used to have some curtains in that pattern.
you found some beautful finds Juls !
As for the rejection on your creations - sorry to read about it - i guess the owner didn`t feel they would sell - or her kind of thing ?? Is it a small shop - too few customers to get in to view them ? Did you ask why , or maybe she should say what sort of things sell there - so it`s good business for both of you .
there`s so many reasons - and you shouldn`t let it stop you trying
everyone gets rejected and it hits you when you thought they were good . It`s her loss - look at it that way .
And yes - i do have too much chocolate anyway !!
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