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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

hunting and gathering

Sacramento Antique fair was a great new discovery. I also met the Tracey's from A cottage Industry. It was my first blog encounter with a fellow blogger. And I just had to tell Tracey how her mother turned me on to blogging in the first place. I hope these pics do justice. These girls can put it all together I tell you. They had such a foo foo booth. Really nice. See. Go check their blog if you don't believe me.

I also stopped by Marilyn's booth from Another foo foo booth. Really so beautiful. She and her husband are such nice people. The weather in Sac was perfect. What a great way to spend a day. What? Oh, did I buy something? Well, a couple of things. But I have to save that for another post. Okay? Because I really have to finish my book club book. I just got into it, and I'm on a roll. What book? Honeymoon with my Brother....

So we did have snow on Monday, just a dusting mind you. My little one was so excited to go outside. Here he is shoveling the snow. Well, he calls it "Crushing the Snow." Such a big helper.

Have a good day. xo juls

1 comment:

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Julie, thank you for stopping by to see me the other day. I saw your comment & thought I'd come over & say hello and I hope you'll come back to visit again.